How Xerox Can Give Your Business a Competitive Advantage

By Brian Moran 

(From the editor: This article was originally published on Small Business Edge.)

Xerox is changing the way businesses view the role of multi-function printers (MFPs). The company recently held the biggest launch event in their 110-year history. It was a two-day gathering in NYC to introduce 29 new devices that will serve the needs of companies of all sizes—from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations.

For small and midsize companies, Xerox introduced 19 new VersaLink products; enterprise-level companies can choose from 10 new AltaLink devices to help run different departments in their organizations. The technology wrapped into these devices is what separates them from whatever is sitting next to you right now or down the hall from you (depending on the size of your business).

For my audience of small and midsize companies, there are four key features that you need to know about before you make your next MFP purchase:

  • A more intuitive user experience – It all starts with a tablet-like touch screen interface that can be customized based on the user or work environment. Gone are the bland, black buttons that left users guessing as to what they do. I like the idea of accessing the MFP’s capabilities without needing a degree in engineering.
  • Streamlined business processes – It’s all about the apps! Whether you choose template apps from the Xerox App Gallery or you have them created by one of Xerox’s many talented channel partners, businesses can now use their MFPs to create specific workflow processes for their companies. I had the opportunity to interview three of Xerox’s channel partners during the launch event and was blown away by their ability to create apps to help solve their customers’ biggest workflow obstacles. According to Xerox, projects such as patient records filing, real estate contract management and retail invoicing can be streamlined into fewer, faster steps using digital workflows enabled right from the device.
  • Mobile and cloud ready – This is a BIG plus for small business owners who are concerned about backing up their data as well as improving time management in their offices. All 29 devices allow users to save or upload their work from their MFP to cloud accounts including Dropbox, Office 365 and Google Drive. Additionally, mobile workers can print wirelessly from any computing device. There is no fussing with transferring data from a phone or tablet to a desktop and printing it or worrying about connecting your computer to the printer cable.
  • Safety and security – Xerox’s ConnectKey technology is part of every new device. For business owners, this means added layers of protection from unauthorized access to devices. According to the company, their technology keeps confidential communications and information safe with encryption and image overwrite. It also audits device access attempts and protects both data and device from malicious intent—which is probably a lot more than what most small business owners have right now in their companies.

The world of business is changing—daily! Advances in technology are allowing companies to gain competitive advantages they never dreamed of just a few, short years ago. The multi-function printers that occupy space in your offices are dinosaurs. Give serious consideration to replacing them with new workplace assistants – MFPs that do so much more than print, scan, copy, and fax. And don’t forget to check out the apps!

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