Small Business Solutions: Understanding Hashtags and How to Use Them

hashtagOnce solely the domain of Twitter, hashtags have become ubiquitous. We see them used in all types of media, from TV commercials and print ads, to YouTube videos and every popular social media platform.

Today, the hashtag is much more than something used by marketers to help target audiences find relevant content—it’s become ingrained in our pop-culture vernacular. And because of that, it’s far too common to see hashtags being used incorrectly.

But when used properly, the hashtag remains a powerful tool in a marketer’s arsenal—one that’s capable of greatly increasing the chances that potential customers will be drawn to your brand and end up paying for your products or services.

But how do you ensure your small business has the right strategy in place?

You could turn to your favorite search engine and enter “how to use hashtags for marketing” or any similar keyword combination. But the results will likely overwhelm you.

Instead, I suggest starting with this helpful article, courtesy of Search Engine Watch. The author provides a fantastic overview of how hashtags came to be what they are today, and gives painful examples of some prominent hashtag-usage faux pas. There’s also a thorough primer on how to ensure your business uses them as effectively as possible going forward.

From the article: “When you optimize conversations, content, and updates with hashtags, they become more visible to others on social media platforms and search engines. A simple click or search for a hashtag will display those using that hashtag in conversation – instantly identifying an audience with common interests. The potential for using the hashtag is limitless and can be leveraged across platforms, or uniquely on each social platform.”

I’d love to hear your thoughts regarding hashtags. Do they annoy you? Do you use them as part of your company’s overall marketing strategy?

I encourage you to read the Search Engine Watch article and then return here to share your feedback.

Thanks for reading.

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  1. Elliot Bergsagel November 21, 2013 -


    • Nathan Van Ness December 5, 2013 -

      You’re quite welcome, Elliot. I hope you found the information helpful. Thanks for reading.

  2. Sydney Willis December 4, 2013 -


    • Nathan Van Ness December 5, 2013 -

      My pleasure, Sydney. I hope the information proves useful. I appreciate you taking time to read the post.

  3. Sister Valencia December 13, 2013 -

    Thank you so much. Very informative. Bookmarked article so I can refer back to it readily. Again, thank you.

    • Nathan Van Ness December 13, 2013 -

      You’re welcome, Sister Valencia. Thanks for taking time to read the blog and for leaving your comment. Much appreciated.

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