Small Business Solutions: Your Marketing Vision vs. Reality

I found this SmartPlanet article to be a really interesting perspective—from a woman who obviously knows her stuff—on ways in which businesses today should be drastically re-strategizing their marketing efforts.

Much of what the interviewee, Farrah Bostic, founder of marketing and innovation strategy company The Difference Engine, says about traditional approaches to marketing needing to be run through the shredder resonates quite deeply with me. And not because I’m an expert; I try not even to pretend to be.

But after more than 15 years in sales, marketing and creative service roles, I’ve developed quite a few suspicions about how marketing could be implemented more effectively. Ms. Bostic simply articulates—and validates—many of those suspicions more coherently than I’ve ever been able.

I encourage you to read the SmartPlanet article and decide for yourself whether your small business could benefit from trying a new approach to marketing your product(s) or service(s).

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  1. Marisa April 5, 2013 -

    GREAT article. Thanks for posting!

  2. Nathan Van Ness April 5, 2013 -

    Thanks, Marissa. Glad you liked it and I appreciate you taking time to post a comment.

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