Small Business Solutions: The Power of Great Design

As a marketing copywriter for most of my career, I’ve always enjoyed the symbiotic connection between the messages I develop and the designs in which they come to life.

For writers, working with talented designers, whether for print or the web, can and should be a gratifying relationship; and it almost always is when together you’re working for a client or employer who understands the value that’s returned when they invest in the talent required to produce great marketing material.

But too often, professional copywriters and designers are viewed as bottom-line burdens, which results in far too many companies asking ill-equipped marketing generalists or sales staff to wear the hats of both writer and designer simply for the sake of saving money and producing work that’s “good enough.” And I believe that mindset is all too prevalent among small businesses in particular.

And to those small-business decision makers who fall into the “we don’t need to pay for talent” category, there’s a lot to be learned from the countless examples of poorly executed marketing collateral that populates the web, arrives in our in-box, or shows up in the mail.

When companies spend the money on professional creative services, whether hiring writers and designers for in-house marketing purposes, or retaining outside agencies, there’s a substantial return on investment to be had, as effectively argued in this fantastic article, “12 Most Powerful Ways Good Design Propels Business ROI.”

I encourage you to take a couple minutes to read the article, and then come back here and share your perspectives on the topic.

As always, thanks for reading.

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