Handling BYOD in the Workplace: It’s Only a Problem if You’re Unprepared

Did you know that there are currently 25 billion devices connected to the internet? If you’re a business owner or an IT manager, it probably feels like there are 25 billion in your workplace alone.

As unpopular a truth as it may be, many of us would rather leave the house without our wallets than without our smartphones. We’re equally attached to our other devices. So it comes as no surprise that they’re making their way into the workplace, or that it’s become business as usual to use them there.

While the use of personal devices was once a no-no in almost every work environment, smart employers have accepted that digital devices aren’t going away – and that they aren’t going to stay tucked in handbags and drawers either. Most of all, they’re realizing that so long as there is a plan in place, BYOD doesn’t have to become a TOD (Total Office Disaster).

BYOD tips

Devices, Not Disasters

By putting policies in place that foresee issues like lost or stolen devices, and by monitoring use of your network, you can make the workplace a little bit safer and much more BYOD-friendly. That’s good for you, and it’s good for the morale of your team.

Above all else, it’s important to consider the IT repercussions of all those devices. Ensuring minimum security standards will reduce risk, while a set policy of best practices will lower the threat of a data breach – the ultimate TOD. Enabling these policies makes it easier for you to adapt – and adjust – as issues arise, and creates a stress free atmosphere where devices are acknowledged and dialogue is encouraged.

This infographic provides a comprehensive plan for making BYOD secure and stress free in your office. It’s a simple checklist that can help prepare you for, and most of all prevent, device drama at work. And a little less drama goes a very long way.

For more ideas like these, visit Xerox.com/smb

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  1. Andy Jones, Xerox September 3, 2015 -

    With more 25 billion devices connected to the internet, developing a BYOD plan is necessary not optional. Here are a few simple ground rules for making BYOD secure and stress free in your office, a win-win for everyone. http://smallbusinesssolutions.blogs.xerox.com/2015/08/25/handling-byod-in-the-workplace-its-only-a-problem-if-youre-unprepared/

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